Why is a bike rental in Noida better than buying a bike in 2022?

Hello Rider. So I was wondering what to do about the scattering situation around town. The special thing is Noida or Greater Noida. As a result, the usual way of walking around this huge city of Noida has been completely disrupted. Covid has taken a lot of jobs, or if not, this has resulted in a huge drop in income. It's just that avoiding spending as a result where money can be saved, and owning a vehicle in an epidemic has proved to be both a blessing and a curse. Covid has taken a lot of jobs, or if not, this has resulted in a huge drop in income. It's just that where money can be saved, avoiding spending it and owning a vehicle in an epidemic has proved to be both a blessing and a curse. Boon because it keeps you insulated from the world around, but a band because there are added costs of ownership to personal vehicles. Fuel, maintenance, insurance, road tax, etc. It's almost a pain for people who are struggling to survive, and yet, they have to spend to getting t...